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Official footvolley ball, #5, black / white
  • $89.99
  • Availability: Back Order
Official footvolley ball, #5, red / white
  • $69.99
  • Availability: In stock


Footvolley is a sport that was invented in Brazil in the 1960s. Professional soccer players who were forbidden at that time to play football between two seasons so as not to get hurt popularized the sport. Like beach volleyball, it is played two-on-two. Players must pass the ball over a net of approximately 2 m in height. To score, the ball must touch the ground on the opposing side. Footvolley uses a number of beach volleyball rules, including the scoring system—although players can touch the ball with all parts of the body except for hands and arms.

MIKASA CANADA distributes a wide range of durable footvolley balls in a variety of colours.  

To make sure you play footvolley with the best balls on the market, look no further. MIKASA CANADA will have the perfect footvolley ball for you.